Mole check
Comprehensive examination of moles and lesions is carried out with dermoscopy (specialised magnification) which enable accurate diagnosis of early skin cancers and pre-cancers. Some early skin cancers can be effectively treated with non-surgical methods such as creams or liquid nitrogen cryotherapy.
Specialist dermatology consultation
Skin conditions can have a severe impact on us. Over 3000 medical conditions affect the skin! Many skin conditions may be related to the immune system. Skin conditions may benefit from specific lifestyle changes, skin creams, or sometimes tablet treatments or injections.
Skin lesion diagnosis
Early diagnosis and treatment of skin lesions helps to keep your skin healthy. Dermatologists can usually diagnose lesions using a magnifying instrument with polarised light, only requiring a biopsy when there are specific features. Regular specialist checks aims to diagnose and treat pre-cancerous skin lesions and early cancers with minimal inconvenience to you.
Telehealth consultation
Telehealth consultation with a specialist Dermatologist is offered to provide specialist assistance in managing skin concerns such as acne and psoriasis. We ask that you email a good quality photograph (in focus and with good lighting) of the skin concern before the consultation. At this stage we are not able to provide Telehealth consultations for skin cancer consultations or mole checks.
We offer face-to-face consultations and virtual consultations (telephone or